Friday, July 22, 2005

Konvo Punye Pasai...

Huhu..akhirnye tibe pule giliran aku nak naek atas pentas dewan besar UPM tuh..tak sabo rasenye..eceh...sekarang neh dok menghitung ari je, iyolar..nak menunggu ari bahgiele katekan...yeyeh... org laen sebuk menghitung ari nak bertunang ke, yang lebeh afdal, kawen ke..aku lak, sebuk menghitung ari nak konvo... hahahhahah...
Mane tak excited nye, aku kene ari pertame untuk konvo nanti..dahler, kene sesi pagi,bahgienye bulehler aku pegang tangan sultan selangor(just shake hand je)..silap2, leh jadik istri sultan..berangan lagi...zai..zai...
Aku siap amek cuti due ari lagi seblom tuh,bertungkus lumus jugaks ah menyiapkan bende2 yang patot...aku balek dalam kol 8lebeh gask ah...sume dah balek,tinggal aku je..kos aku rase cam tak best je wat keje gitu..dalam aku bertungkus lumus tuh,risau gaks..iyolar,dahle aku sorang2 kat level 12 neh...huhuhu..mau terjumpe antu ke,ape ke..simpan malaikat 44..tapi syukorle,aku tak jumpe pon bende2 tuh sume.buat keje sampai kol 8 pon,task aku camtuh gaks.ade je tak kenenye, tapi aku dah siap setting and ape2 yang patot ah,cume kak ecah jas tacap jelar tengs kat kak ecah sebab sudik amek aleh task aku tuh...akhir kate..jasamu akan dikenang! ;-)

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Moments In Life

Bende yang kat bwah neh,tak tauler poem ke syair ke ape ke... aku dapat dari kak ecah...bace ah,bes ayat die...
There are moments in Life when u miss someone
so much that u just want to pick them from
ur dreams& hug them for real!

When the door of hapiness closes, another opens
but often times we look so long at
the closed door that we don't see the one
which has been opened 4 us

Don't go for looks;they can deceive
don't go for wealth;even that fades away
go for someone who makes u smile
make a dark day seem bright
find the one that makes ur heart smile

Dream what u want to dream
do where u want to go
be what u want to be
bcoz u have only one life
and u chance to do all the things
u want to do

May u have enough happiness to make u sweet
enough trials to make u strong
enough sorrow to keep u human and
enough hope to make u happy

The happiest of people don't necessarily
have the best of evryting
they just make the most of
everything that comes along their way

The brightest future will always
be based on a forgotten past
u can't go forward in life until
u let go ur past failures and heartaches

When u were born u were crying
and everyone around u was smiling
live ur life so at the end
u are the onewho is smiling and everyone
around u is crying

Kaen Batek...

Semlm en lan merangkap bos aku dan merangkap ketue projek aku baru pulang dari baleknye die dr sane..die bg kaen batek and key chain...sebennonye,yang bagik kaen batek tuh,en raman..engat en raman kat aku..eceh...en lan lak bg aku key chain yang berbentuk dolpin...cantik gask..ade tulih 'MENADO'..baik gask ek, bos aku neh..kunun...

Thursday, July 14, 2005


huhuhu...pagi neh,macam2 terjadi...aku pepagi dok pikio sama ade kene saman ke idak,kene saman ke idak...aaarrrrrrrrrrgh...tensen dibuatnye...dahler,tertinggal bekal yg aku bw tuh dalam kete, tak pasai2 kang mase lunch,aku kene kuar amek...eeeeeeeeeeeee, geram aku kat polis trefik...huhuhu...aku gask yang salah, sape soh lalu kat double line tuh...
issssssssssssh,pepagi lagi buat aku tade mooooood...dahle mak aku bebelkan aku pasai estro neh...huhuhu...mane taknye, mulot mak cik aku tuh,suke suki je kate aku takmo amek estro die...bukan aku takmo amek, tapi arituh anak die gask yang kate, 'tape..,tak kesah....' ....eeeeeeeeeeeeee, geramnye....
citenye camneh...aku tade estro kat umah,kebetulan arituh makcik aku bli kete, die dapatler estro aku excited gile le nak pasang, kos AF3 punye pasai...pastuh,aku dah agree ler nak amek dari die kos die dah ade estro & kebetulan aku kene bayo murah, rm145...kalu kat kedai around rm160 kot...huh... tunggu punye tunggu AF3 nak masok musim ke4 ke ke5,kebetulan si kak huzz pon masok estro,tapi harge pemasangan rm100 je,so aku terkezut ah,kos dekoder fri just bayo pemasangan,aku nak kensel lar ngan makcik aku tuh...tapi b4 aku nak kensel tuh, aku tanye lar betui2 kat sepupu aku tuh jd ke tak jd estro tuh?kos aku dah tunggu lame gile..die pon cakap,tapelar...die pon tgh bengang ngan org cine aku pon semangat ler amek estro yang rm100 tuh..
hah, bengangle aku bile makcik aku cite mak kos aku takmo amek estro die...eeeeeeeeeeeee....geram gile aku kat makcik aku tuh...pas 1,1 masalah... arrrrrrrgh....

Wednesday, July 13, 2005



yeyeh...dah ade blog..eceh,berlagask,cukup ah,korem kite...sume dah ade blog..idop blog spot!